Feb 13, 2024
How To Prepare For a Fuel Delivery
If you’ve arranged a commercial fuel delivery, then you’ll need to get prepared for its arrival. No matter your order, from commercial heating oil to HVO fuel, the preparations are the same. Getting ready for your delivery is important for keeping your operations running smoothly and avoiding any annoying delays or returns.
Let’s discuss the simple steps you need to take to prepare for your fuel delivery and the kind of information you’ll need to provide us.
Operating hours and site entrances and exits
The first questions we’ll need answers to are where is your site entrance and when are you open? We’ll ask you how our drivers can get onto your site in the safest and most time-efficient way, and how we can exit once the delivery is complete. We want to cause as little disruption as possible, so knowing the best routes in and out will help us get the job done.
Let us know your operating hours so we can schedule your delivery for when the site is open. Delays and returned product could occur if we’re not given the correct information, so make sure to give us all the information we need regarding your site.
Site access restrictions and locks
Are the fuel storage areas on your site locked? Please let our team know beforehand. To avoid delays and complications, keep us informed about any locks or access codes we’ll need to know so that we can get your fuel delivered quickly.
The same applies to any access restrictions to your site. Let us know if an access code is needed to get on-site or if we’ll need to speak to someone before entering. With this information, our drivers will be prepared and ready to get your delivery to you faster.
On-site staff availability for documentation
Please make sure that someone is on-site to sign for the delivery as proof that it has arrived. Without someone to sign we’ll either need to wait for someone to arrive or return the product, causing complications for your business and ours.
Make sure that the team member who will sign the documents is aware of our arrival to keep things running smoothly. Having documented proof of delivery is important for both parties, so no deliveries can happen without someone to sign.
Number of tanks and their locations
Let us know the location of the tank for delivery if you have multiple on-site. If our drivers head to the wrong one then it could cause delays and confusion, so ensure we have the correct information before we arrive. This includes how many tanks we’re delivering to, any landmarks that will help us identify the right fuel storage location, and clear instructions on how to get to the tanks.
By informing us of how many tanks we’re delivering to, we’re better able to make the process more simple by allocating resources where they’re needed.
Updated contact information
If there has been a change of plan, please make sure to keep our team informed. If anything has changed, from opening hours to staff swaps, we need to be made aware so we can adjust our delivery if necessary.
If a different member of the team is set to receive our delivery, make sure we have updated contact details for them in case of any issues. Similarly, if access codes have been changed, let us know so we can keep our visit as efficient for all as possible.
Fuel deliveries by Fuelsource
At Fuelsource, our goal is to get your fuel delivered smoothly. We don’t want to cause you any disruptions, so make sure we know everything we need to about your site. This will ensure an efficient delivery, letting you get on with your day and the important tasks at hand for your business.
Need an emergency fuel delivery? You can still prepare in the same way and expect us within 24 hours with your fuel. By getting ready for our driver, we can get that emergency fuel into your tanks even faster, so you can continue your operations as soon as possible. Trust us as your emergency fuel supplier to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
For all of your commercial fuel delivery needs, get in touch today by giving our friendly team a call on 0207 846 0255 or use our simple online quote form.